California Dermatology Physician Assistant Society
The California Dermatology Physician Assistant Society was established in December 2016 and was created with the purpose of providing local CME programs to enhance the skills, knowledge, and function of its members in the practice of dermatology. We also provide a forum for communication, to build collegial relationships, and to advance the utilization and team concept of Physician Assistants in the practice of dermatology.
Building Relationships and Enhancing Knowledge Through a Community of Professionals
We are a network of professionals that are collaborating and supporting each other through social engagements, special events and educational forums to advance a team concept.
Click on the link below to join today!
Affiliate chapters provide valuable information and insight about the dermatology specialty in their state and to SDPA membership and leadership on a national level.
Due to the ongoing crisis of the global pandemic, we will continue to follow all of the health and safety guidelines that have been mandated by the medical professionals at both the state and federal levels. We'll provide additional updates when they become available, and we hope that everyone continues to stay healthy and well.